Meet our Friends who are equally passionate about ethical and sustainable produce. thier delicious products are now available VIA Shipwreckcoastfarm.COM

Barongarook Pork by Xav & Laura Meade

  • Origins

    With a love for great food, cooking and the outdoors our intentions had always been to turn our passion into a business. Never did we imagine we would be running a pig farm responsible for supplying not only some of Australia's best restaurants but also direct to the tables of families such as our own.

  • Our Pigs

    We now run a large herd of rare breed Berkshire and Duroc pigs while still sticking with our original vision of allowing pigs to simply be pigs. We run an open paddock farm and provide cool fresh water, shelter and warm bedding. Our pigs are fed a specially formulated vegetarian pellet mix and are often treated to organic buttermilk and the occasional apple that falls from our small orchard.

  • Our Produce

    Supplying renowned restaurants such as Brae and Movida Barongarook pork has a reputation amongst chefs as being the highest quality pastured pork produced in a sustainable and ethical way.